
Foreign Startups With Great Potential That Haven’t Yet Entered Indonesia

Foreign startups that have not yet entered Indonesia certainly present an exciting idea to be applied in a startup company.

Startups are growing companies that have only recently been operated, and most of them are new companies established in the development and research phase to find their own market.

In Indonesia, the development of startups remains very active and encouraging because every year there are many options from startup owners that have emerged in Indonesia, which is definitely on the rise due to the development of technology and gadgets as a trigger for the development of startups themselves.

Nowadays, there are many IT companies that have embraced the startup basis, starting from small things, but now have become technology giants.

Foreign Startups That Haven’t Yet Entered Indonesia

Foreign Startups With Great Potential That Haven't Yet Entered Indonesia

With the development of startups in every city or region, it is certainly a positive step towards developing technology and information in each area.

If we look at the high interest in young people who have careers in the technology field, it is certainly one of the drivers of the enthusiasm for the industry in this country.

Some of the foreign startups that haven’t yet entered Indonesia are as follows:

Virtual Babysitter

Foreign Startups virtual baby sitter

In the world of children, it certainly will not be separated from various playing activities that are done, which of course for all children have similar tendencies to like playing.

However, there are significant differences in the way of playing and learning for children born in various regions, especially for the millennial era.

For those of you who want to run a startup or startup company in this field, it is certainly possible to create a startup in the baby care field that will allow every parent to monitor their child online through CCTV devices provided.

This can also help create robots that function as babysitters at home.

GoKir or Go Parkir

Foreign Startups go parkir

For some people who want to shop at shopping centres, they often encounter parking problems that are quite difficult.

Almost everyone who shops has to spin around to find a parking area for up to half an hour, and not to mention if the parking condition is very full for certain days.

In this case, you can create a startup to create parking management, like m-tix, which offers a more convenient and practical system because clients will book a time and place through the application only.

Before going to the mall or shopping center, you can book a parking space in advance for 24 hours.

Online Jamu

In the field of health, it is certainly something that is very much needed by the community, although it is not a daily necessity unless there is a disease that can affect anyone. In order to stay healthy, many people have followed various activities and programs, ranging from regular diets to exercise.

You can also make this a great business opportunity to start a startup by offering online sales of traditional herbal medicines through the use of applications or marketplaces specifically for selling traditional medicines that will not cause side effects.

Virtual Architect

virtual architect

This service is a foreign startup that has not yet been introduced in Indonesia with services that are not much different from the second startup, which also offers similar services.

This startup is used to design homes, which can certainly help every household member to contribute to the construction of the desired home or building.

In this case, you can also take advantage of this opportunity by providing several professional designers to create a system online, so that it can connect potential customers directly with professional consultants to produce home designs according to their desires.


Foreign Startups metaverse

The presence of metaverse technology such as augmented reality and virtual reality is a field of technology that is now considered to be one of the best examples of innovation created by humans today.

If we have seen various Hollywood films that have super sophisticated effects, the presence of this technology will also help humans to experience the sensation of the digital world that will look more real as if it were real.

Moreover, it is predicted that in the future, more advanced metaverse technology will be applied to all fields, including work, education, health, and others.

Walet Guide

With many wealthy people, there are certainly many among them who are not familiar with the world of investments. So, just like building a building, but the result of the building has been empty for decades.

With this in mind, you can form a special team to find buildings like this and continue to maintain them, which can then be divided into two from the results obtained.

This can be an interesting inspiration to get opportunities in the business world by moving towards a startup company that can be run.

Regional Language Translator

Foreign Startups regional language translator

In this advanced technology era, the Indonesian community is required to unite in the use of international languages.

However, in some areas, they still use Indonesian language and understanding and preserving regional language culture is very important because it is part of cultural wealth that is not only needed in the world of education.

With the vast development of the field, language translation services can be provided from regional languages to Indonesian or English. Therefore, translators play a very important role in helping the development of the world.

Use Jack for your business needs


Those are some ideas from foreign startups that you can use as a reference. Hopefully, this content is useful for all readers.

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