5 Easy and Fast Ways to Register NIB (Business Identification Number)

5 Easy and Fast Ways to Register NIB (Business Identification Number)

Registering NIB or Business Identification Number is undoubtedly crucial for businesses and entrepreneurs. Anyone looking to establish and operate a business needs to obtain an NIB for their enterprise.

NIB serves as the identity for every business entity. However, novice entrepreneurs or startups might still be confused about the process of obtaining NIB.

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For those currently trying to get an NIB, there’s no need to worry or spend a long time dealing with it. The process of registering NIB can now be done online. Each step of this registration is neither complicated nor difficult. You can register with the following steps.

5 Easy and Fast Ways to Register NIB (Business Identification Number)

1. Registering NIB by Accessing the OSS Website

When you want to register NIB online, you need to access a specific website. Therefore, make sure that your internet connection is smooth. Also, ensure that you have a device for accessing the NIB registration website.

Once these two factors are secured, surf the internet to the OSS website. This website is easily accessible. Once business operators find it, proceed with online registration.

Of course, registering NIB is done on the previously found OSS website. Don’t forget to create an account when registering on OSS. Usually, during registration, you’ll be asked to provide a username and password.

Also, enter the captcha code displayed to facilitate the registration process. Afterward, you will receive an account that can be used to log in to the next OSS.

2. Choose the Business Scale in Registering NIB

After logging in or entering OSS, follow the next steps immediately. Remember the username and password created earlier because anyone can access this OSS website by entering the username and password first.

After making sure that you have clicked the “Register” option, promptly choose the business scale. Here, you will find two types of business scales displayed on the device screen. The first business scale is Micro and Small Business or UMK. The second business scale is Non-UMK or Non-Micro and Small Business.

It should be noted that non-UMK includes medium and large businesses. This may also include representative offices and foreign or overseas business entities. Therefore, choose the appropriate scale for the business you are managing and running. There is also an option for choosing the type of business operator. Is the business operator an individual or possibly a business entity?

3. Fill in the Required Data Completely

The next step in registering NIB that needs to be taken by anyone who wants to obtain NIB is to fill in the data. Completing the form regarding business data must be done thoroughly. Usually, some data that needs to be completed includes the active company telephone number. Additionally, nowadays, data filling also needs to be equipped with an active email address.

Not only that but details about the business being run also need to be provided. Start from product data that needs to be filled out in the form. Additionally, business operators also need to fill in the product list. You also need to fill in data about the list of business activities that will be carried out in your business. Also, specify how you want to receive further confirmation, whether via WhatsApp or email. Later, the business operator can freely choose the method of information delivery.

4. Complete Documents as Part of Registering NIB

The process and method of registering NIB are not complete without the process of completing documents. To expedite this step, it’s best to have all the required documents prepared beforehand.

Usually, several documents are needed to obtain NIB including the ID card number and address of the business operator. Also needed are documents related to the business or business being run. Some of these documents include the company’s tax number (NPWP) and others.

If all these documents are complete and prepared before registration, you will not have to spend a long time on this process. Also, complete documents related to environmental approval. After all these documents are completed, then you can proceed to the next step.

5. Check Email as the Last Step in Registering for NIB

Actually, completing all the required documents, as mentioned above, is the last step in the registration process. Generally, after completing the documents, the registration process is declared successful. However, NIB registrants still need to check several parts. For example, check the “Self-Declaration” sheet to see if it has been checked or not.

Also, before checking your email, check whether the account has been verified or not. The confirmation process is very easy because NIB registrants only need to fill in the username and password that has been created. After that, check the Business Licensing Draft until the NIB is ready to be obtained in your hands.

The above method of registering NIB is certainly very easy to do. For business operators who want to run their business, it is advisable to obtain NIB. Don’t let this step be skipped because NIB is required to complete all administrative requirements in running a business.

What are the Requirements for Applying for NIB?

The requirements you need to fulfill to obtain NIB are:

1. Company Deed and AHU (if the business is already legally established)
2. ID Card (KTP)
3. Personal/Company Tax Identification Number (NPWP)
4. Copy of Director’s NPWP (if the business is legally established)
5. Company Location Sketch (if the business is legally established)
6. Active Email
7. Active Phone Number
8. Business location complies with zoning regulations for operating a business.

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Now, obtaining NIB can be done with easy and practical steps through the methods mentioned above. Business operators can register online quickly and easily with the mentioned steps. Obtaining a Business Identification Number is no longer a difficult task, thanks to a much more effective registration system.

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