
Startups in the Service Sector Found in Indonesia

Service-based startups in Indonesia have become a trend and have flourished, initially targeting millennials but now reaching a wider range of generations.

With the many benefits offered by establishing a startup company, it’s no wonder that many people are lured to jump directly into it.

In addition, companies that are already available in Indonesia play a very important role in supporting the economic growth in Indonesia in this era.

It’s not surprising that there are many startup options available in various fields, one of which is the service sector.

List of Service-Based Startups

Startups in the Service Sector Found in Indonesia

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1. Gojek

Startups in the Service Sector Gojek

Gojek is one of the startup companies in Indonesia that was founded in 2010 and has now rapidly gained popularity among Indonesians.

In just 10 years, it has been widely recognized and used on a daily basis to meet the needs of the public.

This startup has been available in around 50 regencies and cities throughout Indonesia since 2016.

Currently, the presence of the transportation service application has expanded to Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

In addition, it has also supported and followed the global financial trend by providing the Gopay feature as electronic money that can be used to fulfil the features in the application.

2. Grab

Startups in the Service Sector Grab

Grab is also one of the service startup companies that are available in Indonesia and its presence is also very popular.

Although they have the same green logo and offer features that are very similar to Gojek, they still have their own advantages as a pioneering company based in Singapore that was established in 2012.

Currently, Grab is available in almost all countries in the Southeast Asia region, including Indonesia.

Grab has also helped to support education and job opportunities by opening intensive programs and recruiting employees.

3. Traveloka

Startups in the Service Sector Traveloka

Traveloka is a startup that provides comprehensive services, including online flight ticket booking, hotel booking, and other travel and accommodation services.

This startup was also established in 2012 and actively operates throughout Indonesia.


Startups in the Service Sector Tiket com

This transportation service startup company available in Indonesia has a blue logo with a yellow circle and was founded in 2011 by Djarum Group.

The attractive offers from this application certainly provide facilities for booking flight tickets, concert tickets, train tickets, attraction tickets, car rentals, and marketing for hotels throughout Indonesia.

5. Mamikos

Startups in the Service Sector mamikos

Another service startup company is the Mamikos application, which is certainly a favorite choice among students and people who migrate to various regions.

This application provides various information related to the nearest boarding houses with offers of prices and facilities provided by the boarding houses.

Using this application can be the number one choice for finding a boarding house in Indonesia, so that when you want to migrate to another city, you don’t need to worry because this application can help you find a boarding house according to your desired price.

6. Ruangguru

Startups in the Service Sector ruang guru

This startup company in the education service field is a pioneering company from PT Ruang Raya Indonesia.

The presence of this company has been able to develop a startup called Ruangguru with CEO, millennial Adamas Belva Syah Devara.

This startup was launched in 2016 as one of the most appropriate solutions to answer the education problems in Indonesia.

Through this startup, it provides online learning services that are easier and more practical and can be followed by all students in Indonesia.

7. HarukaEdu

If you are observant in seeing the development of education in Indonesia, this startup company is not unfamiliar.

This is because this startup was established not only to provide education for students but also to provide access to education for the recipients of the “Kartu Prakerja” program.

This site is one of the technology education that has a good impact on Indonesia.

Therefore, it is no wonder that its presence always provides its own attraction as one of the startup options in the education service field that has been launched in Indonesia.

8. Zenius Education

PT. Zenius Education is a startup company that has developed educational services since 2007.

By presenting its latest application, it has successfully brought many students who have received satisfactory grades in school and have passed selection to enter universities according to their wishes.

This platform also provides access to online learning at very affordable prices, making it easy for almost all students in Indonesia to obtain educational services that are currently available.

9. Quipper

Startups in the Service Sector Quipper

One platform from a startup in the field of education services is already familiar among Indonesian students.

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The company’s presence itself is one of the technology education startups that has provided online learning systems with very excellent quality.

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Those were some service sector startup companies found in Indonesia. Hopefully, this content can bring benefits to all readers.

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