Case Study

How PT Semesta Muda Berkarya Successfully Reducing Time by 80% of Manual Process with Jack

Since embracing Jack, all payment transactions have become simpler. This includes everything from Jack's services being available 24/7 to the simplicity of opening an account and the affordable transfer fees compared with traditional banks.

Outcomes Experienced by SMB After Utilizing Jack


Reduced company working time per year


Reduced company transfer cost per year

Logo PT Semesta Muda Berkarya


Event Organizer

Product Used

Local Transfer

Favorite Features

Fitur validasi otomatis nama dan nomor rekening penerima sebelum transaksi

Batch Transfer

UI/UX yang mudah dipahami

Nabila Salsabila, Chief Financial Officer PT Semesta Muda Berkarya

"Jack greatly enhances the PT Semesta Muda Berkarya transaction process, making it more organized. The Batch Transfer feature makes it convenient to transfer money to various accounts and banks simultaneously. With the automatic validation system for account numbers and recipient names, we have saved up to 80% of working hours."

Nabila Salsabila, Chief Financial Officer PT Semesta Muda Berkarya


PT Semesta Muda Berkarya is a company involved in the event organizing field. Established in July 2020, this company has been trusted as the event organizer for various major events, both in the governmental and private sectors. Since the pandemic, the company has expanded its business into procuring goods and other subsidiary ventures.

As a growing company, PT Semesta Muda Berkarya often faced various challenges. One of these challenges is when clients request a refund of the commitment fee for dozens of event attendees. One of colleagues introduced the advantages of Jack’s feature which can solve their problem. This information piqued the interest of PT Semesta Muda Berkarya to utilizing with Jack.

Since utilizing Jack’s Local Transfer, PT Semesta Muda Berkarya no longer needs to create separate accounts for small utilities and successfully saves 70% of total transfer cost compared to conventional bank transfer fees.

PT Semesta Muda Berkarya Team

How Jack Helps Semesta Muda Berkarya

Transforming Complicated Reconciliation to More Simple and Streamlined Process

Before utilizing Jack, the expense reconciliation process at PT Semesta Muda Berkarya was complex because there was no single platform integrating primary expenditure records and daily requirements. Since embracing Jack, all payment transactions have become simpler. This includes everything from Jack's services being available 24/7 to the simplicity of opening an account and the affordable transfer fees compared with traditional banks. The finance team finds it simpler to perform complete and accurate financial audits. Thanks to the integration of all transactions within a single dashboard and user-friendly portal interface.

High Transaction Costs to 70% Reduced Transfer Fees

Initially, daily expenses including staff transportation, medical costs, and administrative costs were paid by the primary account. The finance team considered creating a new account to keep daily utilities separate from other account expenses. However, the financial team reconsidered this option because of the high transfer fees at conventional banks. Nevertheless, since utilizing Jack’s Local Transfer, PT Semesta Muda Berkarya no longer needs to create separate accounts for small utilities and successfully saves 70% of total transfer cost compared to conventional bank transfer fees.

Shifting from Individual Transfers to Simultaneous with Batch Transfer

As a professional event organizer, PT Semesta Muda Berkarya frequently transfers money to various banks. Initially, manual transfers would have consumed significant time due to the need to validate recipient account numbers and names individually. However, with Jack's Batch Transfer feature and automated transfer validation system, which detects invalid recipient account numbers and names, PT. Semesta Muda Berkarya has managed to expedite the transfer process by over 80%, thus making the transfer process more efficient and accurate.

Unified solution for your nationwide business transactions in one platform

Local transfer allows you to send money to 150+ banks and e-wallets in Indonesia with ease and convenient. Available every day, every hour.