10 Interesting Side Job Ideas for Employees, Worth Trying!

10 Interesting Side Job Ideas for Employees, Worth Trying!

In the modern era like today, many people are seeking additional income by doing side jobs or part-time work. In Indonesia, there are various types of side jobs for employees that can be done to earn extra income. Here are 10 popular side job options in Indonesia.

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1. Online Motorcycle Taxi Driver

10 Interesting Side Job Ideas for Employees, Worth Trying!

Working as an online motorcycle taxi driver, known as “ojol,” is one of the popular side jobs for employees. Using their own motorcycles, employees can become ojol drivers and transport passengers to their desired destinations.

What’s interesting is that this job option can be done according to the spare time available to employees. So, after completing their main job, employees can extend their working hours by becoming online motorcycle taxi drivers.

2. Freelancer

As a freelancer, one can offer services or specific skills such as graphic design, content writing, or translation to earn extra income. This is an attractive side job option for employees, especially since nowadays, all of these jobs can be done remotely or from anywhere. Simply choose a job according to one’s skills and then work on it outside of regular working hours.

3. Online Seller

With technological advancements, many people utilize social media or online selling platforms to sell various products ranging from clothing, and accessories to food. This can also be utilized as an alternative side job for employees.

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Many platforms support employees to sell online after working hours. The more sales made, the more income earned. It may even exceed the monthly basic salary as an employee.

4. Private Tutoring as a Side Job for Employees

For those with good academic abilities, becoming a private tutor is a promising side job option for employees. Many parents seek private tutors to help their children in their studies. So, this opportunity can be utilized if one has expertise in subjects or even skills in arts or music.

5. Household Work

Household chores such as cleaning, washing, or ironing clothes can also be profitable side jobs. Employees who have finished their working hours can offer themselves to do household chores.

The working time can also be adjusted according to each individual’s ability and availability. So, besides not interfering with the main job, it can also provide quite attractive additional income.

6. Photographer

For those who have a passion for photography, becoming a photographer for events such as weddings, birthdays, or office events can also be an interesting side job for employees.

This job option can be done on weekends, so it won’t interfere with the main working hours on weekdays. The income obtained from this job is also quite substantial. So, it is suitable for those who want to utilize their skills to the fullest while earning extra income.

7. Freelance Writer

Becoming a freelance writer for online or print media is also an attractive side job option for employees. Writing articles, short stories, or books can be a promising source of extra income.

This option is suitable for those who have skills in creativity, arts, and writing. If successful, this job can make employees utilize their spare time while becoming more recognized by many people.

8. Delivery Service

Using a motorcycle or private car, one can also become a courier or delivery person to earn extra income. This is very suitable as a side job option for employees, especially those who have vehicles to assist in the job.

So, the vehicle owned can be maximized not only for commuting to and from work but also as a means to earn extra money. Moreover, such job options will not take up work time, as they can be done when weekends arrive or after regular working hours.

9. Electronics Repair Service

For those with skills in repairing electronics such as cell phones, laptops, or other electronic devices, opening an electronics repair service as a side job is a viable option.

What’s interesting is that this side job for employees can be done at home. So, after work, the practice of the service can be done leisurely without interfering with the main job. It can also be done on weekends as one of the options for doing the job.

10. Online Jobs

Many companies offer online jobs such as online surveys, customer service, or data entry that can be done from home as side jobs for employees. This opportunity can be a choice for employees who have a lot of spare time, especially when weekends arrive.

Although the income obtained may not be as high as imagined, it is suitable for those who do not have many skills but have plenty of spare time to do it.

From the 10 types of side jobs for employees above, it can be concluded that various attractive side job options can be done in Indonesia. By utilizing one’s skills or hobbies, one can earn extra income to meet their economic needs.

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However, it should be remembered that side jobs for employees also require time and energy, so they need to be managed well to not interfere with the main job or the employees’ rest time. Thus, there will still be enough time for family and other activities after work hours.

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