Case Study

Streamline Payments with Ease: How InboundID Simplified Hundreds of Transactions in One Go Using Jack

With Jack, InboundID can verify recipient data before proceeding with a transaction, thus avoiding input mistakes that could lead to transaction failures.

Outcomes Experienced by InboundID After Utilizing Jack

60 hours

Saved on transaction time per month


Saved working time per month


Business & Digital Marketing Consulting Agency

Product Used

Local Transfer

Corporate Card (Virtual)

Favorite Features

Batch transfer

Issue unlimited credit cards

Recipient validation system for each transaction

All transactions history within one dashboard

InboundID Case Studies

"The cost-effective transfer fees provided by Jack have significantly improved our company's cash flow. Moreover, the integration of Jack's virtual card has enhanced our overall financial performance."

Ihsan Ramadhi Putra, CEO, InboundID


Company Profile InboundID is a leading digital marketing agency in Indonesia, specializing in search engine optimization (SEO) since 2009. As a digital transformation company, InboundID’s primary focus is on enabling its clients to embrace the essential digital infrastructure needed to promote their services effectively.

After relying on conventional bank services for a while, InboundID made the decision to switch to Jack upon receiving a recommendation from their peers. The convenience and efficiency offered by Jack in managing their company's payments convinced InboundID to fully utilize the service.

"I highly recommend Jack to other businesses because its proven features have greatly assisted us, especially in facilitating hundreds of payments and efficiently managing budget allocations for each client."

After adopting Jack, now InboundID is able to issue virtual credit cards for different teams, and the limits can be adjusted according their requirements.

InboundID Case Studies

How Jack Helps InboundID

Frustrating Payment Process to Effortless Transfers

InboundID collaborates with hundreds of bloggers and micro-influencers, requiring them to make numerous payments every month. Using conventional banks for these payments is time-consuming, especially when each payment has to be processed individually. However, thanks to Jack's Local Transfer feature, InboundID can quickly complete hundreds of transactions in no time.

Reliance on a Single Credit Card to Empowered Teams

Before using Jack, InboundID relied on the Founder's credit card for transactions. This was quite troublesome, as each transaction required direct confirmation from the Founder, and sensitive information had to be shared with the team for them to proceed. However, after adopting Jack, now InboundID is able to issue multiple virtual credit cards with no limitations. These credit cards can be shared with different teams, and the limits can be adjusted according to their requirements.

No Fail-safe System to Automated Validation System

The conventional bank used by InboundID previously lacked a validation system to check recipient data such as name or account number before initiating a transaction. This meant that any input errors would only be discovered after a transaction failure. However, with Jack, InboundID can verify recipient data before proceeding with a transaction, thus avoiding input mistakes that could lead to transaction failures.

Cumbersome Record-keeping to Holistic Management

InboundID has many transactions and payments every month, and it's important to keep track of them accurately. However, the manual recording process makes it challenging, especially during monthly reconciliation. With Jack, this problem is solved by automatically recording all transactions and providing an easy-to-access transaction history, making the reconciliation process easier for InboundID at the end of each month.

Unified Solution For Your Nationwide Business Transactions in One Platform

Local transfer allows you to send money to 150+ banks and e-wallets in Indonesia with ease and convenient. Available every day, every hour.