The process of making a Visa credit card is not complicated if the customer meets the requirements set by the world’s number one company. The availability of Visa credit cards is known among credit card users who usually see the Visa logo on their cards as a provider that allows banks to issue credit cards that can be used at merchants that already have the Visa logo.
Using this provider is similar to using MasterCard, which provides similar facilities and convenience where one card can be used for payment transactions anytime and anywhere, whether overseas or domestically.
When you want to create a Visa credit card, you need to know the difference between Visa and MasterCard to make it easier to apply for financial transactions.
Difference between Visa and MasterCard
Making a Visa and MasterCard credit card is not much different and can be applied by everyone according to their needs.
Visa is a product issued in 1955 by Visa Inc located in Foster City, California. Meanwhile, MasterCard is part of the presence of MasterCard WorldWide as a corporation that has been operating in Purchase New York since 1966.
The significant difference between the two cards is their popularity, which varies by country. Visa is widely used by residents of Asian countries, while MasterCard is more popular in Europe and the United States.
Visa also has other differences between the two cards, such as product benefits, credit types, protection and security systems, customer promotions, and transaction fees.
What is a Visa Credit Card?
The availability of Visa credit cards is a product that serves as a payment tool issued directly by Visa International Service Association, founded directly by Bank of America in 1955, in Foster City, California, United States.
The presence of Visa credit card products is indeed popular in several countries, especially in Asia.
Visa products have a different target market than MasterCard because they prioritize many uses in Asian countries.
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Making a Visa Credit Card
The process of making a Visa credit card is not difficult for beginners who want to obtain a card for shopping transactions.It should be noted that before deciding to make a credit card, you should also know what product options can be used as a user for Visa credit cards.
The following are the steps that can be taken to create a Visa credit card:
Step 1
In the first step, please go directly to the selected bank, and it is advisable to go to the headquarters to get faster service because there is no need to queue like the service provided at the branch office.
Step 2
In this case, for the creation of a Visa credit card, several required documents must be provided, including a copy of the ID card or passport, a copy of the taxpayer identification number (NPWP), proof of income or payslips, and then proceed with filling out the registration form.
Step 3
In the next step, the banking officer will ask to fill out the registration form, and if it is finished with clear information, you can directly contact customer service to serve the creation of a Visa credit card.
Step 4
Usually, each bank has different procedures, and generally, there are two steps to make a credit card, with collateral and without collateral.
Conditions of Agreement Steps for Creating Bank Credit Cards
Here are the conditions for the agreement steps in creating a credit card in banking:
Condition 1
Without collateral, of course, it must go through a survey first for two months, which is useful for seeing the transaction history of the customer’s account, whether it is worthy of getting a credit card or not.
Condition 2
Using collateral, of course, the process will be easier. The process only takes around two weeks.
Something very important to consider is the amount of money available in the customer’s account with a certain amount, depending on the bank chosen as collateral.
This money cannot be used by the customer, and the nominal amount of money available in the account will be the optimal amount for credit card transactions for the customer.
If you want to conduct transactions that exceed the nominal amount available in the account, you will only need to increase the credit card limit used.
Condition 3
After the creation process is completed, you only need to wait for the credit card to be sent to the registered address.
Condition 4
Make sure that the address is entered correctly and clearly because the shipment process comes directly from abroad, which certainly takes quite a long time to arrive at the destination address.
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Those are several steps to create a Visa credit card that can be done by users to support easier transaction activities. This Visa credit card can be used both domestically and internationally, which certainly provides benefits for conducting transactions as needed.